Ways To Deter Burglars in Seattle
Unlike what you watch in big budget flicks, common home intruders aren’t planning elaborate Ocean’s 11 break-ins. Generally, thieves look for buildings that have simple scores and no countermeasures. Houses that look guarded by a home security system -- or houses that are frequently occupied -- won’t meet a burglar's checklist. They'll then look somewhere else for a shadowy, poorly locked house where they can determine that the family is not around.
After covering all that, how best can you deter burglars in Seattle?
Install And Advertise A Home Security System
If you were a criminal and could any home in Seattle, would you choose the home that notified the homeowners and cops that a crime was taking place? Nearly all burglars will look for the house of little resistance, and installing a security camera or motion detector means extra danger and a probable trip to prison.
Displaying yard signs and window stickers about your home security system is a perfect starting point in making your home look uninviting. Then install a few external security cameras. A doorbell camera functions ideally as many would-be burglars will first knock on the door to see if anyone is around.
Inside, be certain you have sensors placed in every entryway. If someone does choose your property to break into, the sensors will trip the high-decibel alarm and scare off burglars before they start taking things. Letting would-be criminals know you are protected by a monitored security system is an added deterrent, as they are aware that your security monitoring experts will be signaled about their actions even if you’re away.
Lights Make It Appear Like You’re Home
By making sure that your interior isn't pitch black, you give the impression that someone's home. Powering on your deck lights or entryway light when you're out can also work as well. Or place a floodlight over the back door or garage that lights the area when it senses activity.
The issue with only leaving a lamp on is that it can get predictable -- especially if you take off from the area for a handful of days. Nowadays, you could buy some smart bulbs to sell the story that you're always home. Via your mobile security app, you can put your smart lights on a schedule so that separate rooms are bright at variable periods, or power them from anywhere when you receive a security warning on your app.

Lock Your Entryways And Windows
Locking your windows and doors prior to leaving the building will work wonders in deterring burglars in Seattle. Even if you make sure to bolt the front door, do you have small spots like doggy doors, patio doors, and the door from the garage to the home closed tight and locked? Outside doors require at least a deadbolt lock that reinforces the door and frame. Smart locks are also useful, as you can receive an alert to your phone if they are being tampered with. And do not ever place house keys tucked under the mat or garden rock.
Keep Your Travel Details Off Social Media
The majority of thieves like to scout their targets ahead of the break in. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram may advertise when you're away from the house. When you broadcast that you're off to the airport for a week-long trip, you may have set off an unintentional sign. Make certain you review your security options so that only trusted contacts see your vacation images, or don’t post until you get back to upload fantastic vacation shots.
Install The Best Home Security System In Seattle To Deter Burglars
Get the professionals at Secure24 Alarm Systems to soup up your security by adding motion detectors, cameras, and lights. We'll help you customize your home security system to your every need so you can make your house frightening to potential thieves. Just call (206) 451-1051 or send in the form today!